Data Analytics
Helping you Make Better Decisions
Integrate all your Data to Create a Centralized Performance View
Companies are spending thousands of dollars on digital marketing campaigns, but lack the ability to evaluate their effectiveness and the tools to gather holistic and easy to understand overview of their marketing spends. BizRamp centralises, integrates, and interactively visualises your company’s marketing data from all major sources automatically. By providing you with a holistic, easy to understand marketing performance overview in near real-time, you can effectively evaluate your marketing spends, develop effective digital strategies, and make actionable data-driven decisions.
Data Centralization
BizRamp automatically collects data from all your digital marketing channels. website. ORM, and e-commerce, and centralise them all in one place.
Our Data Engineers build data pipelines to automatically clean and transform the data as well as set automated data governance processes.
The centralised and transformed data are integrated so you can have a holistic overview of the campaigns.
As a result, detailed campaign reports are generated in near real-time for the whole organisation and can be personalised based on the needs of the business.
The centralised marketing data opens new opportunities to connect marketing data to machine learning applications as well as the activation on multiple marketing channels.
Sales Funnel Data
Evaluate the overall funnel view from awareness, to consideration, to purchase intent to Purchases across your marketing channels, in one view, to evaluate the campaign effectiveness across channels. This way you can understand what is the best performaning and worst performing channels across website, media, ecommerce and actual purchases, giving management a holistic and easy to understand overview of marketing and sales performance
Website Pages Data
Understand your daily traffic trends, activity of the users, behaviors of the pages and more to understand how many visitors are entering and interacting with your business and which services are performing the best
Product Sale Data
Throughout your products, understand how many products are being sold and what category of the product is being sold the most with trended reports. This way you can get a full visibility of your sales performances of your inventory and make business decisions to increase your sales
Social Media Data
Understand your marketing performance across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media channels all in one place. This way the teams can optimize the performances of their creatives, segments based on valuable insights of demographics such as age, gender and location of your facebook users and make business decisions to optimize your social media marketing campaigns
Google Ads Data
Understanding the keywords performance of your google ads will help you to evaluate your top performing and underpeforming keywords, spot the decline trends and market impression share of those keywords and mix and match demographic information to evaluate each keyword in detail. These insights will help you understand your keywords and optimize them by making smarter marketing decisions
Google Search Data
Searches made by users on google is the most obvious footprint of your users. Understanding these actual interest phrases which landed them on your website or which google showed to them as being relevant will give you immense insights regarding your business and make smarter business decisions
Email Marketing Data
Understand the email marketing data by analyzing metrics such as how many customers opened, clicked, spammed or unsubscribed will help your business to know more about your promotions and services and make better decisions and strategies
Inventory Data
Understand every aspect of your stocks to meet your demand in near real time. This will help your business to manage the operations and warehouses inventories and update or remove items based on the business decisions
Users Demographic Data
Understand everything about your customers such as their age, location, devices, interests, gender etc and understand your business prospects per services or product by making personas per service. This will help you not only optimize the online marketing but also implement it to offline shop or warehouse by making the user experience relevant to the personas
Employee Performance or Operations Data
Give your employees goals and track them via reports to keep them on track as per the business objectives. We can evaluate the normal reporting related to the employees within your organization such as sales targets, attendance etc and give you a reporting infrastructure to help you evaluate your employees performance on daily basis
Data Governness and Data Quality
Having a proper data entry is essential for every business. If you business does not have a proper data entry, the reporting will not be accurate which will cost your business a loss. To avoid that, understand your business's data entry and provide you a platform to validate your data entry and get the list of errors to fix before you input the data. This will improve accuracy in your business reports as well as avoid extra human efforts and time to rectify the errors in the reports
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